The commenter noted that while fda appeared to have based its allocation recommendation on the operational supply rule established by paragraph 2 of decision xvii 5, fda implemented this paragraph by setting the minimum stockpile threshold at 12 months as articulated in epa's final rule allocating 2006 essential use allowances ; while the decision states that 12 months is the maximum operational supply that may be maintained by an mdi manufacturer.
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This column is intended for announcements of births, engagements, marriages, anniversaries, etc. The charge for an insertion is 18 for up to 25 words, and 7 for every additional 10 or fewer words. Personal cheques only payable to The Pharmaceutical Journal ; should be sent with the notice to the Editor, The Pharmaceutical Journal, 1 Lambeth High Street, London SE1 7JN. The sender's address and membership number, if applicable, should be on the reverse of the cheque.
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World Health Organization 2005 All rights reserved. Publications of the World Health Organization can be obtained from WHO Press, World Health Organization, 20 Avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland tel: + 41 22 791 fax: + 41 22 791 email: bookorders ; . Requests for permission to reproduce or translate WHO publications whether for sale or for noncommercial distribution should be addressed to WHO Press, at the above address fax: + 41 22 791 email: permissions ; . The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the World Health Organization concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Dotted lines on maps represent approximate border lines for which there may not yet be full agreement. The mention of specific companies or of certain manufacturers' products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the World Health Organization in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. Errors and omissions excepted, the names of proprietary products are distinguished by initial capital letters. All reasonable precautions have been taken by the World Health Organization to verify the information contained in this publication. However, the published material is being distributed without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the material lies with the reader. In no event shall the World Health Organization be liable for damages arising from its use. Printed by the WHO Document Production Services, Geneva, Switzerland and dramamine, for example, naproxen.
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We also reported on our latest initiatives with the public consultations on proposed amendments to the Patented Medicines Regulations, 1994, and on our Discussion Paper on Price Increases for Patented Drugs. Our review of both Prices of existing patented series of submissions received drugs fell by 0.2% from 2003. from stakeholders is ongoing, Analysis of prices by therapeutic and next steps are scheduled class demonstrated considerfor initial discussion at the able variability in price changes. September Board meeting. The Canadian to foreign price For additional information, see comparison showed Canadian "2005 Consultations" on page 5 Ral Sureau, Vice-Chairperson prices at 91% of the median of of this publication. Further foreign prices in the seven coundevelopments on these initiatives will be tries used for price comparison purposes. published in our October NEWSletter. With the exception of 2002, Canadian prices, on average, have been 5% to 12% It is our hope that our more in-depth analysis below median foreign prices since 1995. of key indices in our 2004 Report will foster a better understanding of the current pharmaNinety four new drug products came under ceutical context as we strive to work in the the PMPRB's jurisdiction in 2004, including best interest of all Canadians. 25 new active substances. At the time of the release of this NEWSletter, 19 remained Before closing, I would like to take this under investigation. Since January 2004 to opportunity to thank my colleagues on the date, enforcement activities resulted in ten Board and Staff. As I near the end of my Voluntary Compliance Undertakings VCUs ; second and final term as Vice-Chairperson by patentees ensuring that prices of patented of the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board in October, I want to thank everyone medicines are within the Guidelines. The for their contribution to this organization. hearing into the price of the patented mediThe PMPRB plays a significant role in cine Dovobet, initiated with the release of a protecting the interests of Canadians by Notice of Hearing in November 2004, is set ensuring that prices of patented medicines to resume on September 12. are not excessive. It has been both a Patentees reported total R&D expenditures pleasure and a privilege for me to serve as of $1.17 billion in 2004, a decrease of Vice-Chairperson of the PMPRB and I wish 2% over the $1.19 billion in 2003. The you all success in your endeavours and to R&D-to-sales ratio continued its downward the organization as a whole. trend with the ratio for all patentees declining to 8.3% from 8.8% last year and Rx&D members' contribution declining to 8.5% from 9.1%. Spending on basic research increased by 23%, reaching $221.7 million, and representing 19.7% of current R&D. Ral Sureau Vice-Chairperson and enalapril.
| Dimenhydrinate use in pregnancy36. Gananca MM, Caovilla HH, Gananca FF, Gananca CF, Munhoz MS, da Silva ML, Serafini F. Clonazepam in the pharmacological treatment of vertigo and tinnitus. Int Tinnitus J 2002; 8: 50-3. Shulman A, Strashun AM, Goldstein BA. GABAA-benzodiazepine-chloride receptor-targeted therapy for tinnitus control: preliminary report. Int Tinnitus J 2002; 8: 30-6. Incadela L, Cesarone MR, Belcaro G, De Sanctis MT, Nicolaides AN, Griffin M, Geroulakos G, Ramaswami G. Treatment of inner ear disease with pentoxifylline: a 4-week, controlled, randomizedtrial. Angiology 2002; 53 Suppl 1: S19-22. 39. James AL, Burton MJ. Betahistine for Menieres disease or syndrome. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2001 1 ; : CD001873. 40. Denk DM, Heinzl H, Franz P, Ehrenberger K. Caroverine in tinnitus treatment. A placebo-controlled blind study. Acta Otolaryngol 1997; 117: 825-30. Zapp JJ. Gabapentin for the treatment of tinnitus: a case report. Ear Nose Throat J 2001; 80: 114-6. Bryce GE, Morrison MD. Botulinum toxin treatment of essential palatal myoclonus tinnitus. J Otolaryngol 1998; 27: 213-6. Ochi K, Ohashi T, Kinoshita H, Akagi M, Kikuchi H, Mitsui M, Kaneko T, Kato I. The serum zinc level in patients with tinnitus and the effect of zinc treatment. Nippon Jibiinkoka Gakkai Kaiho 1997; 100: 915-9. Yetiser S, Tosun F, Satar B, Arslanhan M, Akcam T, Ozkaptan Y. The role of zinc in management of tinnitus. Auris Nasus Larynx 2002; 29: 329-33. Kilpatrick JK, Sismanis A, Spencer RF, Wise CM. Low-dose oral methotrexate management of patients with bilateral M inverted question markeni inversted question marjeres disease. Ear Nose Throat J 2000; 79: 82-3, Rahman MU, Poe DS, Choi HK. Etanercept therapy for immune-mediated cochleovestibular disorders: preliminary results in a pilot study. Otol Neurotol 2001; 22: 619-24. Akkuzu B, Yilmaz I, Cakmak O, Ozluoglu LN. Efficacy of misoprostol in the treatment of tinnitus in patients with diabetes and or hypertension. Auris Nasus Larynx 2004; 31: 226-32. Yilmaz I, Akkuzu B, Cakmak O, Ozluoglu LN. Misoprostol in the treatment of tinnitus: a double-blind study. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2004; 130: 604-10. Novotny M, Kostrica R. Fixed combination of cinnarizine and dimenhydrinate versus betahistine dimesylate in the treatment of Menieres disease: a randomized, double-blind, parallel group clinical study. Int Tinnitus J 2002; 8: 115-23. Novotny M, Kostrica R, Cirek Z. The efficacy of Arlevert therapy for vertigo and tinnitus. Int Tinnitus J 1999; 5: 60-2. Benzi G. Pharmacological features of an almitrine-raubasine combination. Eur Neurol 1998; 39 Suppl 1 ; : 31-8. 52. Allain H, Bentue-Ferrer D. Clinical efficacy of almitrine-raubasine. An overview. Eur Neurol 1998; 39 Suppl 1 ; : 39-44.
It is still occasionally used medically in burn victims since it tends to “ dissociate” the patient from the pain, making the intense discomfort of burns more bearable and escitalopram.
Beyond these initial steps, the Expert Working Group concluded that a range of reasonable options commonly coexisted. In the sections below, the Expert Working Group summarizes the existing data regarding symptomatic management, opioid rotation, and switching the route of systemic opioid administration in the management of specific adverse effects and presents a rational approach to prudent decision making. Nausea and Vomiting Scope of the problem. Data from prospective studies indicates that chronic nausea is observed in 15% to 30% of patient receiving oral morphine for chronic cancer pain.9, 11, 13, 114-121 Symptomatic management. These are no studies to indicate the superiority of one antiemetic over another in the management of opioid-induced nausea. Commonly, recommendations have been made on the basis of the inferred mechanism of opioid-induced nausea. These recommendations are unsupported by any prospective study or even systematic evaluation of retrospective data. Among the agents that have been suggested are metoclopramide, haloperidol, prochlorperazine, dimenhydrinate, phenothiazine, transdermal scopolamine, cisapride, ondansetron and other 5-HT3 antagonists ; , and dexamethasone and other corticosteroids ; . Opioid rotation. In five reports, the prevalence and severity of nausea and vomiting were substantially reduced by switching to an alternative opioid.77, 78, 83, 84, Switching route. In two small studies, the switch from oral to subcutaneous morphine produced significantly less nausea10, 105 and vomiting.10 There is conflicting data regarding the effect of switching to the rectal route.9, 122, 123 If present, this effect is small.
| 12. Campbell, S.M., Roland, M.O., Shekelle, P.G., Cantrill, J.A., Buetow, S.A., Cragg, D.K. Development of review criteria for assessing the quality of management of stable angina, adult asthma, and non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus in general practice. Quality in Health Care 1999; 8: 6-15. McColl, A., Roderick, P Smith, H., Wilkinson, E., Moore, M., Exworthy, M., Gabbay, J , Clinical governance in primary care groups: the feasibility of deriving evidence-based performance indicators. Quality in Health Care 2000; 9: 90-97. McGlynn, E.A., Asch, S.M. Developing a Clinical Performance Measure. American Journal of Preventive Medicine RAND Health Program Reprint Service 98-9Q ; 1998; 14: 14-21. McGlynn, E.A., Kerr, E.A., Asch, S.M. New Approach to Assessing Clinical Quality of Care for Women: The QA Tool System. Women's Health Issues 1999; 9: 184-192. Campbell, S.M., Roland, M.O., Buetow, S. Defining quality of care. Social Science and Medicine 2000; 51: 1611-1625. Kerr, E.A., Asch, S., Hamilton, E.G., McGlynn, E.A., Quality of Care for General Medical Conditions: A Review of the Literature and Quality Indicators. 2000, RAND Health: Santa Monica, CA. 18. Kerr, E.A., Asch, S., Hamilton, E.G., McGlynn, E.A., Quality of Care for Cardiopulmonary Conditions: A Review of the Literature and Quality Indicators. 2000, RAND Health: Santa Monica, CA. 19. McGlynn, E., Damberg, C., Kerr, E., Schuster, M., Quality of Care for Children and Adolescents. 2000, RAND Health: Santa Monica, CA. 20. Cantrill, J.A., Sibbald, B., Buetow, S. Indicators of the appropriateness of long term prescribing in general practice in the United Kingdom: consensus development, face and content validity, feasibility, and reliability. Quality in Health Care 1998; 7: 130-135. Donabedian, A. Explorations in quality assessment and monitoring Volume 1: The definition of quality and approaches to its assessment. 1980, Michigan: Health Administration Press, Ann Arbor. 22. Buck, D., Godfrey, C., Morgan, A., Performance indicators and health promotion targets. 1996, Centre for Health Economics, University of York: York. 23. Lawrence, M., Olesen, F Indicators of quality in health care. European Journal of General . Practice 1997; 3: 103-108. Campbell, S.M., Braspenning, J., Hutchinson, A., Marshall, M.N. Research methods used in developing and applying quality indicators in primary care. Quality in Health Care In Press. 25. Maxwell, R.J. Dimensions of quality revisited: from thought to action. Quality in Health Care 1992; 1: 171-177 and esomeprazole.
1 Kraft GH. Rehabilitation still the only way to improve function in multiple sclerosis. Lancet 1999; 354: 201617 Nicholl CR, Lincoln N, Francis VM, Stephan TF. Assessment of emotional problems in multiple sclerosis. Clin Rehabil 2001; 15: 668 Burnfield AJ, Frank AO. Multiple sclerosis. In: Frank AO, Maguire GP, eds. Disabling Diseases. Physical, Environmental and Psyhosocial Management. Oxford: Heinemann Medical, 1989: 16893, for instance, dimenhydrunate recreational.
Similar to the lens insertion that follows cataract or clear lens extraction except that the natural lens remains in the eye. In effect, the lens becomes an internal contact lens. The surgery is preceded by a procedure called peripheral iridotomy, one normally performed to prevent recurrence of closed angle glaucoma, where microscopic holes are made in the iris with an yttrium aluminium garnet YAG ; laser to facilitate the flow of aqueous humour. This procedure is most suitable for patients with high refractive errors who are not suitable candidates for laser surgery. The average charge per eye for clear lens extraction and phakic intraocular lenses in 2005 varied between 995 and 2, 500.1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I thank Michelle Hanratty, refractive clinic manager at the Aston Academy of Life Sciences, Birmingham, and Andrew Morrell, consultant ophthalmic surgeon at St James's University Hospital, Leeds, for their help in the preparation of this article. References and estrace.
TEN and given over a period of 1 to days mean, 4 days ; at a mean total dose of 2.7 g kg range, 0.65-5.8 g kg ; Table 2 and Table 3 ; . An objective response to IVIG, defined as the interruption of the progression of epidermal necrolysis, was observed in 43 90% ; of the 48 patients Table 3 ; . All but 1 of the 43 patients who initially responded to IVIG achieved complete healing of skin and mucous membrane lesions within an average of 15 days range, 4-40 days ; . All of these 42 patients also survived TEN, for a survival rate at 45 days of 88% Tables 2 and 3, and, for example, drug information.
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Analgesics Medications Acetaminophen Ibuprofen, Diclofenac ASA Compatible with lactation Comments ; Yes Yes No small theoretical risk of Reye's syndrome ; Morphine, Codeine Yes Ranitidine No Omeprazole No data Metoclopramide No Domperidone Yes may increase breast milk production ; Dimmenhydrinate ? watch for infant jitteriness from anticholinergic effects ; Labetalol, Methyldopa Yes Nifedipine, Hydralazine Yes Captopril, Enalapril Yes data on other ACE-I lacking ; Metoprolol Yes watch for neonatal bradycardia ; Atenolol No Diuretics Avoid in first month may inhibit milk production Insulin, levothyroxine Yes Oral hypoglycemic agents No data Prophylthiouracil PTU ; Yes preferred over methimazole due to lower breast milk excretion ; Heparin, LMWHs Yes Warfarin Yes Doxycycline No Quinolones No data but best avoid Most other antibiotics are compatible with lactation i.e. penicillins, cephalosporins, aminoglycosides, clindamycin, metronidazole etc ; Most have unknown effects on the nursing infants and estradiol.
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Objectives: Prenatal care PNC ; is important for women at high risk for STDs HIV to avoid associated adverse outcomes of pregnancy. We examined risk factors for lack of PNC among high-risk women in the Russian Federation RF ; and compared pregnancy outcomes for women with and without PNC. Methods: We searched laboratory logs in maternity houses in five sites of RF to identify all women with positive syphilis tests during pregnancy. We reviewed maternal and infant medical charts to assess PNC utilization and pregnancy outcomes; the latter are reported separately for women with and without active syphilis infection. Results: Of the 1071 women, 400 37% ; received no PNC. Independent risk factors for not receiving PNC included location of delivery and being homeless, non-resident of the place of delivery, single, unemployed, and having one or more previous pregnancies. Five of nine HIV-positive women had no PNC, and 80% of 71 women with unknown HIV status had no PNC. Of the 626 with PNC, 197 32% ; started PNC later than 20 weeks gestation. Among pregnant women with active syphilis who were adequately treated n 284 ; , the 56 without recorded PNC were more likely to have a low birth weight infant 2500 gms ; 32% vs. 11%; odds ratio [OR].
Dimenhydrinate is usually taken every 4 to 6 hours as needed and famotidine.
Note 1: Payment allowance limits subject to the ASP methodology are based on 3Q06 ASP data. Note 2: The absence or presence of a HCPCS code and the payment allowance limits in this table does not indicate Medicare coverage of the drug. Similarly, the inclusion of a payment allowance limit within a specific column does not indicate Medicare coverage of the drug in that specific category. These determinations shall be made by the local Medicare contractor processing the claim. HCPCS CShort Description J0881 Darbepoetin alfa, non-esrd J0882 Darbepoetin alfa, esrd use J0885 Epoetin alfa, non-esrd J0886 Epoetin alfa, esrd on dialysis Decitabine, inj J0894 J0895 Deferoxamine mesylate inj Brompheniramine maleate inj J0945 J0970 Estradiol valerate injection J1000 Depo-estradiol cypionate inj J1020 Methylprednisolone 20 MG inj J1030 Methylprednisolone 40 MG inj J1040 Methylprednisolone 80 MG inj J1051 Medroxyprogesterone inj J1060 Testosterone cypionate 1 ML J1070 Testosterone cypionat 100 MG J1080 Testosterone cypionat 200 MG Inj dexamethasone acetate J1094 J1100 Dexamethasone sodium phos J1110 Inj dihydroergotamine mesylt J1120 Acetazolamid sodium injectio J1160 Digoxin injection J1162 Digoxin immune fab ovine ; J1165 Phenytoin sodium injection J1170 Hydromorphone injection J1190 Dexrazoxane HCl injection J1200 Diphenhydramine hcl injectio J1205 Chlorothiazide sodium inj J1212 Dimethyl sulfoxide 50% ML J1230 Methadone injection J1240 Dim4nhydrinate injection J1245 Dipyridamole injection J1250 Inj dobutamine HCL 250 mg J1260 Dolasetron mesylate J1265 Dopamine injection J1270 Injection, doxercalciferol J1325 Epoprostenol injection J1327 Eptifibatide injection J1335 Ertapenem injection J1364 Erythro lactobionate 500 MG J1380 Estradiol valerate 10 MG inj J1390 Estradiol valerate 20 MG inj J1410 Inj estrogen conjugate 25 MG HCPCS Code Dosage 1 MCG 1 MCG 1000 UNITS 1000 UNITS 1 MG 500 MG 10 MG 100 MG 200 MG 1 MG 500 MG 0.5 MG PER VIAL 50 MG 4 250 MG 50 MG 500 MG 50 ML 250 MG 10 MG MCG 0.5 MG 5 MG 500 MG 500 MG 10 MG Payment Limit $3.093 $9.332 $9.574 $26.485 $14.744 $0.798 $34.230 $5.618 $2.181 $5.109 $9.454 $5.525 $4.142 $5.447 $12.823 $0.230 $0.109 $22.679 $16.101 $3.364 $527.781 $0.727 $1.920 $175.189 $0.795 $123.840 $41.552 $3.332 $2.929 $1.465 $4.173 $6.329 $0.817 $2.893 $14.429 $15.867 $24.297 $5.994 $12.523 $17.115 $60.780 Vaccine AWP% Vaccine Limit Infusion AWP% DME Infusion Limit Blood AWP% Blood Limit Notes.
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E. Katzir Biotechnology Program, The Research Institute, College of Judea and Samaria, Ariel 44837, Israel; * Department of Paediatrics, University College London Medical School, The Rayne Institute, WC1E 6JJ, United Kingdom; and Department of Pediatrics, Tel-Aviv University Sackler Medical School, E. Wolfson Hospital, Holon, 58100, Israel.
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Nia. Ear Nose Throat J 68 10 ; 776, 779-776, 781. AQ ; Glover J, Dibble S, Miaskowski C, Geibert R 1995 ; . Changes in taste associated with intravenous administration of pentamidine. J Assoc Nurses AIDS Care 6: 43-48. Goldberg I, Kashman Y, Brenner S 1999 ; . The induction of pemphigus by phenol drugs. Int J Dermatol 38: 888-892. Gonzalez-Moles MA, Bagan-Sebastian JV 2000 ; . Alendronaterelated oral mucosa ulcerations. J Oral Pathol Med 29: 514-518. Goodman GE, Alberts DS, Earnst DL, Meyskens FL 1983 ; . Phase I trial of retinol in cancer patients. J Clin Oncol 1: 394-399. Gordon CR, Gonen A, Nachum Z, Doweck I, Spitzer O, Shupak A 2001 ; . The effects of dimenhydrinate, cinnarizine and transdermal scopolamine on performance. J Psychopharmacol 15: 167172. Greco S, Mazzaglia G, Caputi AP, Pagliaro L 1997 ; . Glossitis, stomatitis, and black tongue with lansoprazole plus clarithromycin and other antibiotics. Ann Pharmacother 31: 1548. AQ ; Greenberg MS, Friedman H, Cohen SG, Oh SH, Laster L, Starr S 1987 ; . A comparative study of herpes simplex infections in renal transplant and leukemic patients. J Infect Dis 156: 280-287. Greenwood I, Heylen R, Zakrzewska JM 1998 ; . Anti-retroviral drugs--implications for dental prescribing. Br Dent J 184: 478482. Gregoriou AP, Schneider PE, Shaw PR 1996 ; . Phenobarbitalinduced gingival overgrowth? Report of two cases and complications in management. ASDC J Dent Child 63: 408-413. Griffin JP 1992 ; . Drug-induced disorders of taste. Adverse Drug React Toxicol Rev 11: 229-239. Grotenhermen F 1999 ; . [The effects of cannabis and THC]. Forsch Komplementarmed 6 Suppl 3 ; : 7-11. Guasti L, Grimoldi P, Diolisi A, Petrozzino MR, Gaudio G, Grandi AM, et al. 1998 ; . Treatment with enalapril modifies the pain perception pattern in hypertensive patients. Hypertension 31: 1146-1150. Gwaltney JM Jr, Park J, Paul RA, Edelman DA, O'Connor RR, Turner RB 1996 ; . Randomized controlled trial of clemastine fumarate for treatment of experimental rhinovirus colds. Clin Infect Dis 22: 656-662. Haagsma EB, Hagens VE, Schaapveld M, van den Berg AP, de Vries EG, Klompmaker IJ, et al. 2001 ; . Increased cancer risk after liver transplantation: a population-based study. J Hepatol 34: 84-91. Hakala M, van Assendelft AH, Ilonen J, Jalava S, Tiilikainen A 1986 ; . Association of different HLA antigens with various toxic effects of gold salts in rheumatoid arthritis. Ann Rheum Dis 45: 177-182. Halpern SM, Todd PM, Kirby JD 1996 ; . Loss of taste associated with isotretinoin. Br J Dermatol 134: 378. AQ ; Hansen TE, Casey DE, Hoffman WF 1997 ; . Neuroleptic intolerance. Schizophr Bull 23: 567-582. Hatlebakk JG, Nesje LB, Hausken T, Bang CJ, Berstad A 1995 ; . Lansoprazole capsules and amoxicillin oral suspension in the treatment of peptic ulcer disease. Scand J Gastroenterol 30: 10531057. Hay-Smith J, Herbison P, Ellis G, Moore K 2002 ; . Anticholinergic drugs versus placebo for overactive bladder syndrome in adults Cochrane Review ; . Cochrane Database Syst Rev 3 ; : CD003781. Healy CM, Thornhill MH 1995 ; . An association between recurrent oro-genital ulceration and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. J Oral Pathol Med 24: 46-48. Henkin RI 1994 ; . AQ ; Drug-induced taste and smell disorders. Incidence, mechanisms and management related primarily to treatment of sensory receptor dysfunction. Drug Safety 11: 318377. Hennes R, Mack A, Schell H, Vogt HJ 1984 ; . 13-cis-retinoic acid in 15 4 ; 221-240 2004 and pseudoephedrine.
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Counter Betamatic 5; Kontron, Paris, France ; . 14CO2 amounts less than 40U under the curve was considered negative [21]. Patients had to withdraw omeperazol at least one week and antibiotics at least one month prior to UBT and test was performed after 12 hours fasting. Patients were asked to report any significant adverse event by telephone during the 14 days of study duration. By the end of the second week all patients were visited for assessment of drug compliance and any adverse events. Patient compliance was assessed by counting returned drugs, after the end of treatment. Intake of less than 70% of the prescribed number of capsules was considered as poor compliance, 7080% as adequate, 8090% as good and above 90% was considered as excellent compliance. Statistical analysis was performed using a software package of WIN SPSS 10 and two tailed analyses were considered to be significant at a p 0.05.
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