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Table of Contents provides for up to $300 million in borrowings. The current medium term note program allows us to issue up to an additional $7.5 million in registered notes on a non-revolving basis. The debt shelf registration statement provides for up to $350 million in additional debt securities. Borrowings under the committed long-term credit facility and medium-term note program are subject to certain financial and operating covenants that include, among other provisions, maintaining minimum debt to capitalization ratios and minimum consolidated net worth. Certain covenants also limit subsidiary debt and restrict dividend payments. We were in compliance with these covenants at December 31, 2005 and had approximately $1.2 billion available for dividends at December 31, 2005. As of December 31, 2005, we had no borrowings under our committed foreign line of credit or commercial paper program, $164.0 million in borrowings under our committed long-term credit facility, $5.6 million in borrowings under various foreign bank loans and $57.5 million in borrowings outstanding under the medium term note program. On November 6, 2002, we issued zero coupon convertible senior notes due 2022, or Senior Notes, in a private placement with an aggregate principal amount at maturity of $641.5 million. The Senior Notes, which were issued at a discount of $141.5 million, are unsecured, accrue interest at 1.25% annually and mature on November 6, 2022. The Senior Notes are convertible into 11.41 shares of our common stock for each $1, 000 principal amount at maturity if the closing price of our common stock exceeds certain levels, the credit ratings assigned to the Senior Notes are reduced below specified levels, or we call the Senior Notes for redemption, make specified distributions to our stockholders or become a party to certain consolidation, merger or binding share exchange agreements. On July 28, 2004, we, together with Wells Fargo Bank, as trustee, executed a supplemental indenture with respect to the Senior Notes to amend the redemption and conversion provisions to restrict our ability to issue common stock in lieu of cash to holders of the Senior Notes upon any redemption or conversion. Upon any redemption, we are now required to pay the entire redemption amount in cash. In addition, upon any conversion, we will pay cash up to the accreted value of the Senior Notes converted and will have the option to pay any amounts due in excess of the accreted value in either cash or common stock. The rights of the holders of the Senior Notes were not affected or limited by the supplemental indenture. As of December 31, 2005, the conversion criteria were met, and holders may elect to convert the Senior Notes between January 1, 2006 and March 31, 2006. See Note 7, "Convertible Notes, " in the notes to the consolidated financial statements listed under Item 15 a ; of Part IV of this report for a description of the conversion features. Based on the terms of the Senior Notes, an assessment of the conversion criteria is performed each fiscal quarter, the result of which affects the holders' ability to convert the Senior Notes in the immediately succeeding fiscal quarter. If the conversion criteria are not met in our fiscal quarter ending March 31, 2006, the holders' ability to convert the Senior Notes will be restricted until the conversion criteria are again met. We include the dilutive effect from the assumed conversion of the Senior Notes, if any, in our computation of diluted earnings per share, assuming amounts due in excess of the accreted value will be paid in common stock. As a sensitivity measure, a $5.00 increase in the average price of our common stock would have resulted in an increase of approximately 0.3 million shares of common stock to the total number of diluted shares used to compute diluted earnings per share for the year ended December 31, 2005. Holders of the Senior Notes may require us to purchase the Senior Notes on any of the following dates at the following prices: $829.51 per Senior Note on November 6, 2007; $882.84 per Senior Note on November 6, 2012; and $939.60 per Senior Note on November 6, 2017. Pursuant to the supplemental indenture, we are required to pay cash for any Senior Notes purchased by us on any of these three dates. Prior to November 6, 2007 we may redeem all or a portion of Senior Notes for cash in an amount equal to their accreted value only if the price of our common stock reaches certain thresholds for a specified period of time. On or after November 6, 2007, we may redeem all or a portion of the Senior Notes for cash in an amount equal to their accreted value. A significant amount of our existing cash and equivalents are held by non-U.S. subsidiaries. We currently plan to use these funds in our operations outside the United States. Withholding and U.S. taxes have not been provided for unremitted earnings of certain non-U.S. subsidiaries because we have reinvested these earnings indefinitely in such operations. As of December 31, 2005 we had approximately $299.5 million in unremitted 53, because 3tc.
Drug Class NRTI NtRTI NNRTI PI Concordance of Resistance Concordance Concordance Concordance Concordance a b b Interpretations n ; Codon Mutations n ; All Codons n ; Base Mutations n ; All Bases n ; c 96.4% 140 ; 95.0% 60 ; 98.6% 140 ; Reverse Transcriptase Protease.
Savage DF, Lhotska L Recommendations on feeding infants of HIV positive mothers. WHO, UNICEF, UNAIDS guidelines. In: Short and Long term Effects of Breast Feeding on Child Health. B. Koletzko et al. Eds., Kluwer Academic Plenum Publishers, 2000, p 225 - 230 Also published in Advances of Experimental Medical Biology 2000; 478: 225-30 The second policy statement on HIV and Infant Feeding put forward jointly by WHO, UNICEF and UNAIDS in 1997 see this section ; called for women in all settings to make a fully informed decision about feeding their infants. On the basis of this policy, it became possible to develop Guidelines for decisionmakers and Guide for health care managers and supervisors both see this section ; which sought to clarify the direction for implementation, identify gaps in understanding, and unresolved questions that required further research. There continues to be a concern about issues such as how to provide women with the information necessary to make a fully informed choice, about women's access to adequate fuel, water, necessary utensils and time; and about the risk of misuse and spillover of infant formula among women who are uninfected or whose HIV status is unknown. New evidence has become available that antiretroviral drugs are effective even if women breastfeed and that exclusive breastfeeding may be less likely to transmit HIV to the infant than mixed feeding. Although it has been suggested that the 1998 guidelines should be revised in the light of the new evidence, it has not been found necessary and rifater. On World AIDS Day 2003, the World Health Organization WHO ; and UNAIDS released a detailed and concrete plan to reach the 3 by 5 target of providing antiretroviral treatment to three million people living with AIDS in developing countries and those in transition by the end of 2005. This is a vital step towards the ultimate goal of providing universal access to AIDS treatment to all those who need it.

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`The results of this collaborative study, which involved . over 20 000 patients with HIV-1 from Europe and North America, show that the virological response after starting HAART [Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy] has improved steadily since 1996. However, there was no corresponding decrease in the rates of AIDS, or death, up to 1 year of follow-up. Conversely, there was some evidence for an increase in the rate of AIDS in the most recent period. [We noted a] discrepancy between the clear improvement we recorded for virological response and the apparently worsening rates of clinical progression.' The Antiretroviral Therapy ART ; Cohort Collaborative, Lancet 368: 451-458 2006 ; `The major findings are that, despite improved initial HIV virological control . there were no significant improvements in early immunological response as measured by CD4lymphocyte count, no reduction in all-cause mortality, and a significant increase in combined AIDS AIDS-related death risk in more recent years.' Lancet covering editorial commenting on `these somewhat paradoxical trends' `Addressing the Cape Town Press Club . [Southern African HIV AIDS Clinicians Society president Francois] Venter said ARVs were a "modern medical miracle" that gave people 30 to 40 years of health.' Cape Argus, 20 October 2006 `Investment in ARV prophylaxis will save costs in AIDS-related treatment, as well as countless lives We need to massively invest in public delivery systems, combined with a huge increase in uptake of voluntary counselling and testing.' Dr Douglas Webb of the UN Children Fund's UNICEF ; Africa HIV AIDS section, IRIN, 15 February 2007 `Antiretroviral treatment restores the health of most people with advanced HIV disease and prolongs life-expectancy substantially NIH, 2003 ; .' Nathan Geffen, TAC national manager, `Encouraging Deadly Choices: AIDS Pseudo-Science in the Media', Centre For Social Science Research Working Paper No. 182, February 2007 `I think AZT can only hasten the demise of the individual. It's an immune disease and AZT only further harms an already decimated immune system.' Professor Jay Levy, Department of Medicine, University of California at San Francisco, Newsday, 12 June 1990 `The Western Cape report showed that: Out of a total of 4251 patients enrolled in 3 months, a total of 207 4.8% ; patients died. Out of the total of 2715 patients enrolled in 6 months, a total of 196 7.2% ; patients died. Out of the 914 patients enrolled in 12 months, a total of 114 patients 12.2% ; patients died.' [Plotted on a graph as X and Y values, these data reveal a perfect linear relationship between the death rate of people taking ARVs and the duration of their treatment; and they predict that within seven years everyone on ARVs will be dead.] Maupi Monyemangene, Media Liaison Officer, Department of Health, 6 October 2005 `United Nations Special Envoy for HIV AIDS in Africa Stephen Lewis expressed concern on Tuesday over Malawi's rising number of deaths among people receiving HIV AIDS treatment in the country. Lewis was speaking at the end of his three-day visit to the impoverished southern African country when he was briefed by Malawian government officials that the country was grappling with an 11 percent death rate of people who were receiving free antiretroviral ARV ; drugs in public hospitals. Malawi has managed to increase the number of people receiving free ARVs from about 4, 000 two years ago to and rifampin.
Table 1. Features of nine cases of central nervous system cryptococcosis during the initial weeks of antiretroviral treatment. CSF analysis Previous CM months Nadir CD4 Age Sex pre-ART ; cells ml ; 1. 2. Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes 7 ; 18 ; 23 ; Viral load Weeks Clinical log copies ml ; ART presentation 4.85 5.53 5.70 Meningitis Meningitis Meningitis Meningitis Paraparesis Meningitis Meningitis Meningitis Meningitis P L Protein Glucose India Ag g l ; mmol l ; ink test Culture Outcome 0.58 8.21 6.4 pos neg nd neg pos pos neg neg nd nd pos pos pos pos pos pos pos pos pos neg neg neg neg pos neg neg neg Died Died Died Died Died Survived Survived Survived Died.
We investigated the pharmacokinetics of zidovudine, zalcitabine, and saquinavir in AIDS Clinical Trial Group protocol 229. Patients received either saquinavir, zalcitabine, or a combination of both, together with zidovudine three times a day. Approximately 100 patients were enrolled in each treatment arm, and intensive pharmacokinetic studies were performed on about 25 patients per arm at weeks 1 and 12. We estimated the pharmacokinetic parameters of all three drugs by using parametric and nonparametric methods. The mean values of the pharmacokinetic parameters of zidovudine clearance [CL] bioavailability [F], 168 liters h; volume of distribution [V] F, 185 liters; half-life, 0.76 h ; and zalcitabine CL F, 25 liters h; V F, 92.2 liters; half-life, 2.7 h ; were similar to those reported previously. For saquinavir, the mean pharmacokinetic parameter estimates using parametric methods were as follows: maximum concentration of drug in serum [Cmax], 70.8 ng ml; time to Cmax, 3.11 h; area under the curve, 809 ng h ml; CL F, 989 liters h; V F, 1, 503 liters; half-life, 1.38 h. For all three drugs, clearance decreased with age. Weight did not influence the clearance of zidovudine, but the clearance of zalcitabine and saquinavir increased with weight. There were no differences in pharmacokinetic parameters between study weeks and arms, suggesting that there is no change in kinetics with chronic administration and that there are no significant pharmacokinetic interactions among these three drugs. Human immunodeficiency virus protease inhibitors, such as saquinavir, are a promising new class of antiretroviral drugs. AIDS Clinical Trial Group ACTG ; protocol 229 was designed to test the hypothesis that a combination of saquinavir, zidovudine, and zalcitabine would be more effective than the combination of saquinavir with a nucleoside analog or the combination of two nucleoside analogs. The primary results of this study have been presented elsewhere 3 ; . Individualization of drug therapy requires an understanding of the subject-specific pharmacokinetics of a drug, as well as of the relationship between drug concentrations drug exposure ; and biological effects. One of the sources of variability in the individual response to similar or identical doses of antiretroviral therapy observed in clinical studies may be inter- and intrapatient variabilities in the pharmacokinetics of prescribed drugs. While zidovudine and zalcitabine pharmacokinetics have been described previously 4, 5 ; , the magnitude of the variability in the pharmacokinetics of saquinavir during chronic administration has not been reported earlier. In this paper, we present standard nonparametric and parametric analyses of the pharmacokinetics of zidovudine and zalcitabine, and for saquinavir we present an additional nonparametric analysis describing the pharmacokinetic data with longitudinal splines 12 ; . The accompanying paper 11a ; reports on other sources of variability in individual response and investigates the relationship between exposure to these drugs and viral and immunologic responses and risperidone.
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Source: SUNAT Peruvian Customs Agency COMPETITION Local companies that represent Latin American, European and U.S. laboratories supply the Peruvian pharmaceutical market. The U.S. is one of the three most important drug and pharmaceutical product suppliers to the Peruvian market. U.S. market share reached 8.9% in 2003 and increased to 9.2% in 2004. IMPORT MARKET SHARE TABLE - 2004 Percentage, F.O.B. US$ million ; Country U.S. Colombia China Mexico Spain Germany Brazil Belgium Switzerland France India Sub Total Other countries TOTAL Source: SUNAT The principal European laboratories operating in Peru are: Roche, GlaxoSmithKline, Sanofi-Aventis, Novartis Pharma, Boehringer Ing., Grnenthal, Schering Plough, and Organon. Latin American pharmaceutical representatives are ranked as follows: Argentine-based Roemmers 2.4% ; , Peruvian-based Pharmalab 2.3% ; and Chilean-based Bago 1.6% ; . Regarding the number of products sold, Genfar Colombia ; , Roemmers and Pharmalab are the most important Latin American laboratories. Other Latin American competitors represented in Peru are: ABL Pharma, Unimed, Grupo Farma, Silesia and Vitaminica. Latin American companies held 18.1% of the market share in the year 2004. Percentage US$ Million 9.2 19.5 8.2. Hundred microliters of a 1.0 % normal mouse serum Antibodies, Inc., Davis, CA ; and 1 ml of 300 dilution of goat anti-mouse antibody Antibodies, Inc. ; in 0.05 M phosphate buffer and 5.0 % polyethylene glycol Research Products International Corp., Mt. Prospect, IL ; were added to each sample on day 2 of the assay. Samples were incubated for 2 hr at followed by centrifugation in a Sorvall RC-3B centrifuge Du Pont, Wilmington, DE ; at 1160 x g for 20 min at 4C. Pellets were counted on a Micromedic gamma counter. The sensitivity of the assay was 0.2 ng ml and the intraand inter-assay coefficients of variation were 2.9% n 8 ; and 5.8% n 3 ; respectively and reboxetine. When antibodies is found in association with systemic lupus SLE ; see also page 81 ; , other rheumatic disease, autoimmune disorders, infections and medicine. Prevalence: 2 5% of all pregnant women have cardiolipin antibodies or lupus anticoagulant but very few has antiphospholipid syndrome. 30% of women with severe early onset preeclampsia may have antiphospholipid antibodies. Background: Anticardiolipin antibodies react with proteins bound to phospholipids in the cell membrane such as cardiolipin. Different isotypes and subclasses are associated with aCL including IgA, IgM, and IgG subclasses 1 to 4. Elevated levels of IgG anticardiolipin antibodies particularly IgG2 ; incur a greater risk. Risks: Maternal thromboembolism is highly variable and exacerbated by co-existent hereditary coagulopathies. In one study thrombosis during pregnancy was 5% among women with known antiphospholipid syndrome. Preeclampsia: In one third of women with severe preeclampsia before 34 weeks. The risk ratio is about 10 for developing preeclampsia in case of antiphospholipid syndrome. Recurrent abortion and fetal loss, especially among women with a history of thrombosis and high titers. Evaluation: Who should be evaluated for antiphospholipid syndrome? Bad Obstetric History: 3 abortions Unexpected fetal death after 16 weeks Severe IUGR Severe preeclampsia eclampsia before 34 weeks, because smithkline beecham.

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Site-specific drug delivery has been of particular concern in cancer chemotherapy. Appropriately designed prodrugs have been found to be effective in the treatment of animal tumors possessing high levels of an activating enzyme 17, 18 ; . However, clinical results were disappointing when it was found that human tumors containing appropriately high levels of the activating enzymes were rare and that the high levels of activating enzymes were not associated with any particular type of tumor 19 ; . Recently, new therapies have been proposed to overcome this limitation of prodrug therapy. These new approaches are referred to as ADEPT antibodydirected enzyme prodrug therapy ; and GDEPT gene-directed enzyme prodrug therapy ; , which attempt the localization of prodrug activation enzymes into specific cancer cells prior to prodrug administration. ADEPT and GDEPT for Selective Drug Delivery General Concept of ADEPT and GDEPT Enzymes that activate prodrugs can be directed to human tumor xenografts by conjugating them to tumor-selective monoclonal antibodies 20-25 ; . As illustrated in Figure 1, an antitumor antibody is conjugated to an enzyme not normally present in extracellular fluid or on cell membranes and then these conjugates are localized in the tumor via intravenous infusion. After allowing for the conjugate to clear from the blood, a prodrug is administered that is normally inert but is activated by the enzyme delivered to the tumor. This is the ADEPT procedure. Using different combinations of antibody, enzyme, and prodrug, many classes of human tumor xenograft have been shown to be very sensitive to this procedure, although in most cases they are quite resistant to conventional chemotherapy 20-25 ; . Early clinical trials are promising and indicate that ADEPT may become an effective treatment for solid cancers for which tumor-selective antibodies are known 26, 27 ; . Tumors have also been targeted with genes encoding prodrug-activating enzymes 28-30 ; . This approach can use a viral vector eg, retroviral or adenoviral ; to carry a prodrug-activating enzyme gene into both tumor and normal cells Figure 1 ; . By linking the foreign gene downstream of tumor-specific transcription units, tumor-specific expression of the and stavudine.
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