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National Black Women's Health Project- 600 Pennsylvania Ave., SE, Suite 310, Washington, D.C. 20003, 202 ; 548- 4000, Web site: blackwomenshealth Their mission is to promote optimum health among Black women across their life spanphysically, mentally, and spiritually. The organization is gaining the well-earned reputation as a leading force for health for African American women. It is the only national organization devoted solely to the health of the nation's 19 million Black women and girls. National Foundation for Transplants NFT ; - 1102 Brookfield, Suite 202, Memphis, TN 38119, 800 ; 489-3863 or 901 ; 684-1697, Web site: transplants Email: NatFoundTX aol Assists transplant candidates, recipients, and their families. Provides financial assistance, patient advocacy, insurance info, and help locating housing during treatment. National Organization for Rare Disorders, Inc. NORD ; - 100 Route 37, P.O. Box 8923, New Fairfield, CT 06812-8923, 800 ; 999-NORD 999-6673 ; or 203 ; 746-6518, Web site: rarediseases Email: orphan rarediseases NORD is a federation of voluntary health organizations helping people with rare diseases. It is a clearinghouse of information on rare disorders, family counseling, a newsletter, and a medication assistance program. Pancreatic Cancer Action Network PanCAN ; - P.O. Box 1010, Torrance, CA 90505, 877 ; 2-PANCAN, Email: information pancan Web site: pancan Works to focus national attention on the need to find the cure for pancreatic cancer by providing advocacy, awareness and education to patients and professionals. Post-Treatment Resource Program- 215 East 68th St., Ground Floor, New York, NY 10021, 212 ; 717-3527, Web site: mskcc search by program name ; , PTRP is part of the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, and focuses on "quality of life" issues for former cancer patients and their family members. Provides support groups and educational workshops, community and professional education, insurance and employment info, advocacy, a lending library, and screening and referral for vocational counseling and training. The Sarcoma Alliance- 775 E. Blithedale Ave., #334, Mill Valley, CA 94941, 415 ; 3817236, 415 ; 381-7235 fax ; , Email: rn2 sarcomaalliance , Web site: sarcomaalliance splash Provides education and support to people with sarcomas and their family, friends, and caregivers. Skin Cancer Foundation- 245 Fifth Ave., Suite 1403, New York, NY 10016, 800 ; SKIN490 754-6490 ; or 212 ; 725-5176, Web site: skincancer Email: info skincancer National organization focused on the treatment and prevention of skin cancer. Provides public and professional education programs, and a toll-free phone line. Also funds medical training and research. Diseases; May 1, 2005; 191 ; : 1410-8. Based solely on the publicity it has generated, this paper by Ginger Lehrman and colleagues deserves mention. Their proof-of-concept study garnered attention with its conclusion that the eradication of HIV is possible. However, the study is notable for at least two reasons beyond its "promise of a cure" punch line. First is the novel application of a commonly used and inexpensive anticonvulsant to deplete HIV from resting CD4 + cells. Second is the novel quantification of resting pools of HIV-infected cells that the investigators performed using leucopheresis. The goal of this STUDY SNAPSHOT study was to make a dent in the Design: Single arm pilot study of valproic acid and Tpopulation of 20 to reduce latently infected CD4 + cell pool. latently HIVinfected memory CD4 + cells. These Population: 4 individuals with 50 copies mL plasma resting cells harbor HIV-RNA levels on HAART. integrated viral genome and Main Results: Significant reductions in latent reservoir in produce virus only three of four patients. when activated. Their long life Significance: Demonstration of reduction in latent pool permits the opens door for future efforts aimed at presence of a eradicating HIV from the body. stable reservoir of virus, despite prolonged exposure to potent HIV therapy and suppressed viremia. It is the greatest obstacle to the eradication of HIV from the body -- i.e., what would be called a cure. Lehrman and colleagues aimed to determine the effect of valproic acid Depakote, Depakene, Depacon ; on the clearance of HIV from resting CD4 + cells. This anticonvulsant also happens to be an inhibitor of histone deacetylase 1 HDAC1 ; , a protein that represses HIV gene expression and production of virion. Inhibition of HDAC1 had been previously observed to induce HIV expression from resting CD4 + cells in patients without detectable plasma HIV RNA while on highly active antiretroviral therapy HAART. ABSTRACT ~ Valproate the active moiety of both valproic acid and divalproex sodium ; is commonly used as an adjunctive agent for the treatment of schizophrenia. Among the anticonvulsants, valproate is the most extensively studied in patients with schizophrenia. Theoretical underpinnings for valproate in schizophrenia include its effect on voltagegated ion channels and on the -aminobutyric acid GABA ; system, thus modulating mesolimbic dopaminergic activity. Case reports, retrospective studies, and randomized clinical trials support the use of valproate combined with antipsychotics in managing schizophrenia. A recently completed 28-day, double-blind, randomized clinical trial of 249 patients with schizophrenia demonstrated faster improvement in psychopathology with a combination therapy of divalproex and risperidone or olanzapine, compared to monotherapy with risperidone or olanzapine. Additional research is needed to assess the utility of valproate in specialized populations such as those with treatment-refractory schizophrenia or agitation in schizophrenia. Regarding the latter, positive double-blind, randomized clinical trials have already been conducted in patients with borderline personality disorder, dementia, and with disruptive adolescents. It is anticipated that future research will focus on the new extended-release formulation of divalproex that can be administered on a once-daily basis. Psychopharmacology Bulletin. 2003; 37 Suppl 2 ; : 74-88.

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8.1.2 Patrick was not given the recommended dose of vitamin K after birth: It has been recommended that 1mg of vitamin K IM ; to given to the newborn infant following birth to avoid future development of vitamin K deficiency and bleeding. However, this recommendation was not followed in Patrick's case. The validity of this recommendation is supported by the following clinical observations: 1. Vitamin K is essential because the 1, 4 naphthoquinone nucleus cannot be synthesized by the body and the transfer of vitamin K from mother through placenta to infant is very poor. Bacteria in the intestinal tract synthesize vitamin K and can supply part of the vitamin K requirement but this is not the case in the newborn infant. The neonatal gut is sterile during the first few days of life. The neonatal liver is immature with respect to prothrombin synthesis. Thus, the newborn infant has undetectable level of vitamin K in serum with abnormal amounts of the coagulation proteins and undercarboxylated prothrombin [3638], for example, phenytoin and valproic acid. 3 the abbreviations used are: nsaid, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug; pge2, prostaglandin e2; cox, cyclooxygenase; bmi, body mass index. Onstrated a worsening of myoclonus during action, some did also present severe myoclonic hyperkinesias at rest case 1, 3, 6 and 7 ; . All patients presented a multifocal positive myoclonus. In one patient case 3 ; a stimulus sensitive myoclonus was observed, but movement also occurred while active. No additional electrophysiological studies were performed. One patient case 3 ; had been treated with valproic acid due to seizures before first investigation 1050 mg per day, serum level: 31 g ml ; but the dose had to be increased during treatment. The same patient was readmitted 4 years later because of worsening of the symptoms and was treated again by increasing the valproic acid dosage initial dose 1800 mg, serum level and valacyclovir. Nearly all drugs used for migraine can cause rebound headache and none of the drugs should be taken for longer than 2 days per week.
DISADVANTAGES Menstrual: Irregular menses ranging from amenorrhea to increased days of spotting and bleeding but with reduced blood loss overall Sexual psychological: Spotting and bleeding may interfere with sexual activity Intermittent amenorrhea may raise concerns about pregnancy Possible increase in depression, anxiety, irritability, fatigue or other mood changes, but often POPs reduce risk of these disorders Cancers, tumors and masses: May be associated with slightly higher risk of persistent ovarian follicles Other: Must take pill at same time each day more than 3-hour delay considered by some clinicians to be equivalent to a "missed pill" ; Effect on cervical mucus decreases after 22 hours and is gone after 27 hours No protection against STIs COMPLICATIONS Allergy to progestin pill is rare Amenorrheic, Latina, breast-feeding women who had gestational diabetes may be at higher risk of developing overt diabetes in first year postpartum [Kjos, 1998] CANDIDATES FOR USE See 2004 WHO Medical Eligibility Criteria, A-1 - A-8 ; Virtually every woman who can take pills on a daily basis can be a candidate for POPs POPs are particularly good for women with contraindications to or side effects from estrogen: Women with personal history of thrombosis Recently postpartum women Women who are exclusively breast-feeding Smokers over age 35 Women who had or fear chloasma, worsening migraine headaches, hypertriglyceridemia or other estrogen-related side effects Women with hypertension, coronary artery disease or cerebrovascular disease Women wth lupus PRESCRIBING PRECAUTIONS Progestin-only pills can be used by all women willing and able to take daily pills except: Suspected or demonstrated pregnancy although there are no proven harmful effects for the fetus ; Current breast cancer or breast cancer less than 5 years ago WHO: 3 ; Active hepatitis, hepatic failure, jaundice Inability to absorb sex steroids from gastrointestinal tract active colitis, etc. ; Taking medications that increase hepatic clearance rifampin, and the anticonvulsants carbamazepine, oxycarbazepine, phenytoin Dilantin ; , phenobarbital, primidone, topiramate and felbamate, not valproic acid ; , St. Johns Wort or griseofulvin ; . Efficacy in combination with Orlistat and other fat-binding agents is not well studied and ativan. Furniture polish add one tablespoon of lemon oil to one quart of mineral oil.
FC5.02.04 MONOTHERAPY WITH DOCETAXEL IN THE SECOND- OR THIRDLINE TREATMENT OF ANTHRACYCLINE-RESISTANT METASTATIC BREAST CANCER. T. Brodowicz1 , W.J. Kstler1 , S. Tomek1 , I. Vaclavik 1 , V. Herscovici1, C. Wiltschke1, G.G. Steger1 And C.C. Zielinski1, 2, 5 1 Clinical Division of Oncology and 2 Chair for Medical Experimental Oncology, Department of Medicine I, University Hospital, and 5Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Clinical Experimental Oncology, Vienna, Austria. Objectives: The present study was undertaken to evaluate the efficacy of single agent docetaxel as an active drug in second- and third-line treatment in patients with metastatic breast cancer. Study Methods: Overall, 19 patients with breast cancer pretreated with one or two anthracycline-based regimens for visceral metastases were enrolled to receive intravenous docetaxel 100 mg m 2 on day 1, q21d. Docetaxel was administered as second-line therapy in 11 patients, whereas 8 patients received docetaxel in a third-line setting. Results: In the second-line-setting, complete response CR ; was achieved in 2 18% ; , partial response PR ; in 4 36% ; and stable disease SD ; in 3 27% ; patients resulting in a response rate RR ; of 54%. In the third-linesetting 3 38% ; patients experienced PR RR 38% ; and 2 25% ; SD. In the second-line-setting, median time to progression was 6.5 3.9 months range: 2.1-15.8 ; versus 4.7 5.5 months range: 0.6-15.9 ; in the third-line setting. Median overall survival was 9.6 8.0 months range: 2.7-25.8 ; vs. 11.2 6.1 months range: 4.8-18.7 ; . None of the patients experienced treatment-limiting toxicities. Conclusions: We conclude that docetaxel induced responses in 48% of anthracycline-resistant patients enrolled into the present study. The safety profile of docetaxel was manageable and tolerable. Docetaxel represented efficacious treatment in patients with metastatic breast cancer progressing despite previous anthracycline-containing chemotherapy and bextra.
INDICATIONS AND USAGE PregVit folic 5 is a prenatal high dose folic acid vitamin mineral supplement formulated for use in women who are planning pregnancy or pregnant and have had a previous pregnancy affected by a neural tube defect, women who have a family history of neural tube defects, have diabetes or malabsorption disorders e.g., inflammatory bowel disease ; , who are taking folic acid antagonists e.g., methotrexate ; or anticonvulsant drugs e.g., valproic acid, carbamazepine ; , or require a high dose folic acid supplement in the opinion of her physician. Women are to take one pink a.m. ; and one blue p.m. ; PregVit folic 5 tablet daily at least 2-3 months prior to conception, continuing up to 10 weeks after the last menstrual period, or throughout the pregnancy, if, in the judgement of the attending physician, the benefits of continued high dose folic acid supplementation outweigh potential risks. Women who have poor folate status from multifactorial dietary and environmental conditions, including poor eating habits, stringent dieting for weight loss, drug and alcohol abuse, and cigarette smoking should discuss folate supplementation with their physician. Oral contraceptive users may also have lower folate concentrations than non-users as estrogen and progesterone could lower plasma and erythrocyte folate levels. Supplementation with folic acid may theoretically reduce the occurrence of maternal folic acid deficiency. The physiological changes of pregnancy call for extra nutrients and energy to meet demands of an expanding blood supply, the growth of maternal tissues, a developing fetus, loss of maternal tissues at birth and preparation for lactation. During pregnancy, special attention should be given to folate, calcium, vitamin D and iron intakes because there is potential for inadequate intakes in some groups of women. Taking vitamin and mineral supplements does not eliminate the need for a balanced nutrition. CONTRAINDICATIONS This product is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients. WARNINGS Keep this product out of the reach of children. Accidental overdose of iron-containing product is a leading cause of fatal poisoning in children under 6. In case of accidental overdose, call a doctor or poison centre immediately. High doses of folate are known to mask manifestations of B12 deficiency. Some evidence also suggests that folate may precipitate or exacerbate the progression of neurological complications associated with B12 deficiency. In Germany, pharmaceutical manufacturers are able to set their own prices; however, they do have to consider that too high a price for a medicine may restrict the growth of their drug. This of course has a major significance with regards to the NAED market. German doctors and neurologists follow prescribing guidelines for antiepileptic drugs. The guidelines explain that a patient should be treated with either carbamazepine or valproiic acid as monotherapy in the fist instance and then change if their seizures remain inadequately controlled. Then it is recommended that the patient switches to an alternative first line therapy drug or to a and cialis!
Some governments in europe, for instance, are exerting strong downward pressure on the prices of the manufacturers by influencing doctors by way of incentives or sanctions to prescribe low cost medicines!
Ursodiol .T-35 UTA .T-58 UVADEX.T-36 VALCYTE.T-29 Valisone .T-19 valproate sodium.T-11 valoroic acid .T-11 VALPROIC ACID.T-11 VALTREX.T-29 Vancocin Hcl .T-6 VANCOCIN HCL .T-6 vancomycin hcl.T-6 VANCOMYCIN HCL .T-7 VANTAS .T-24 Vantin.T-7 VAQTA.T-59 VARIVAX VACCINE .T-59 Vaseretic .T-51 Vasocidin .T-16 Vasotec.T-51 VECTIBIX.T-24 VELCADE.T-24 VELOSEF .T-7 venlafaxine hcl .T-50 VENOGLOBULIN-S .T-54 VENTOLIN HFA .T-57 Vepesid .T-23 verapamil hcl .T-30 VERELAN .T-30 Vermox .T-6 VESANOID .T-24 VESICARE .T-40 VIADUR .T-24 Vibramycin .T-9 VIBRAMYCIN.T-9 Vicoprofen .T-3 VIDAZA .T-24 VIDEX .T-27 Videx Ec.T-27 VIDEX EC .T-28 VIGAMOX .T-16 VINBLASTINE SULFATE.T-24 vincristine sulfate .T-25 vinorelbine tartrate .T-25 VIOKASE .T-37 VIRACEPT .T-28 and danazol. The Bone Marrow Transplant Staff encourages your family, friends and children over 2 years of age to visit during your stay. We allow two 2 ; visitors at a time. Overnight visitors are not allowed without permission of the Attending Physician and Nurse Manager. All visitors, including children, must check in with the nursing staff before each visit. Please report to the nurse any recent immunizations received by a visitor. The nursing staff will screen all visitors for any contagious condition such as a fever, cough, cold, sore throat, runny nose, skin rash or other respiratory symptoms ; . All visitors must be free of any symptoms of a contagious illness. To ensure the health of each patient, the medical or nursing staff may revise the above visitor guidelines as needed. All visitors must perform a 30 second hand scrub before entering the patient's room. The sink for the hand scrub is located near the nurse's station, and instructions are posted above the sink. The Nursing staff will be happy to assist you We ask that all visitors be aware of and abide by the following visitation rules: General visiting hours are 10: 00 to 10: 00 PM. Family members are encouraged to be in the room during morning rounds. This will give your family the opportunity to be updated on your progress and to ask questions. However, visitors are not allowed in the common areas inside the unit while physicians and nurses are in patient care rounds from 7: 00AM until 10: 00 AM. The BMT Team is committed to patient confidentiality. Family members should leave a correct phone number on file at the nurses' station for emergency use. Also, your family may call in to the nursing station for updates on your care. But, it is best if one family member 44, for example, vallproic acid bipolar. Lee cohen because bipolar disorder manic-depressive illness ; is a common and highly recurrent disorder requiring lifelong treatment, many women of childbearing age are maintained on mood stabilizers, usually lithium and the anticonvulsant depakote valproic acid and darvon.

Likely, the use of ergot alkaloids eg, ergotamine, dihydroergotamine ; is contraindicated due to vasoconstrictor and oxytocic properties. Sumatriptan should also be avoided, because there are inadequate data in pregnant women. Metoclopramide and phenothiazines are considered to be relatively safe. Prophylactic medications should be used only as a last resort. If required, beta-blockers eg, propranolol ; can be used; however they have been associated with intrauterine growth retardation 61, 63 ; . The following drugs are considered to be compatible with breast-feeding: acetaminophen, opioids, NSAIDs, betablockers, calcium channel blockers, valproic acid and corticosteroids. Ergotamine and dihydroergotamine should be avoided during breast-feeding, because adverse effects such as vomiting, diarrhea and convulsions in infants have been reported. ASA, barbiturates, phenothiazines, methysergide, sumatriptan and antidepressants may be used with caution 61, 63 ; . Children and adolescents Treatment of migraine in children 64-66 ; involves reassurance, elimination of triggering factors, behavioural therapy eg, biofeedback, relaxation ; and, if necessary, pharmacological treatment. Rest and simple analgesics eg, acetaminophen or NSAIDs ; are first line treatment. ASA or salicylates ; should preferably be avoided, due to the risk of Reye syndrome in children. Ergotamine may be considered for use in older teenagers. Most children do not require prophylactic medication. For the rare child who has frequent disabling headaches or for whom symptomatic therapy is ineffective, prophylaxis may be warranted. Propranolol is usually the drug of initial choice at a dose of 1 to mg kg day starting with lower doses initially and gradually increasing ; . Prophylactic medications may be tapered and discontinued after four to six months. Opioids are rarely indicated in pediatric patients 64 ; . The elderly The prevalence of migraine decreases with advancing age; migraines rarely begin after age 50 67-69 ; . Rebound, druginduced or chronic daily headaches are common in the elderly. Headache symptoms may vary in older patients; for example, auras may occur in the absence of headache. The elderly are more susceptible to medication side effects and drug interactions. For acute attacks, simple analgesics, NSAIDs more likely to cause peptic ulcer disease in elderly ; and antiemetics may be used. Ergot alkaloids eg, ergotamine ; should be used with caution in elderly patients, because preexisting disease states eg, coronary artery disease, hypertension, peripheral vascular disease ; may be exacerbated. Dopamine antagonists are more likely to cause extrapyramidal syndromes in the elderly 67 ; . Use of prophylactic agents may be limited by concomitant disease states. Beta-blockers that do not cross the blood-brain barrier eg, nadolol ; may be better tolerated. Tricyclic antidepressants may produce excessive sedation and anticholinergic effects, and aggravate cardiac conduction abnormalities in Can J Clin Pharmacol Vol 3 No 1 Spring 1996. Dispensing Fees Medicare also pays a dispensing fee for inhalation drugs, in accordance with Section 1842 o ; 2 ; of the Social Security Act. Effective January 1, 2006, Medicare will pay one dispensing fee to a pharmacy amounting to: $57.00 for an initial dispensing fee to a pharmacy for the initial 30-day period of inhalation drugs furnished through DME regardless of the number of shipments or drugs dispensed during that time and regardless of the number of pharmacies used by a beneficiary during that time; One dispensing fee of $33.00 for a 30-day period of inhalation drugs furnished through DME regardless of the number of shipments or drugs dispensed during that time; and One dispensing fee of $66.00 for each dispensed 90-day period of inhalation drugs furnished through DME regardless of the number of shipments or drugs dispensed during that time and deltasone.
If a health care professional lawfully performs a service covered by this Plan when performed by a physician and if applicable law requires recognition of this health care professional under this Plan, the term physician will include the professional only to the extent required by law. 27. Physician's assistant means a person duly licensed in the area where his or her services are performed and practicing within the scope of such license. 28. Plan administrator means the Boeing Employee Benefit Plans Committee. 205. Serum anti-convulsant levels should be checked to ensure compliance and to measure the level of anti-convulsant. Consideration should be given to additional or alternate medication if greater control is required. A frank discussion should occur in which the athlete, family, and coaches are made aware of the risks and particular dangers involved in the sport. The liability for injury to the athlete and others should be known before a specific recommendation is given. Safety should be ensured, eg. spotters in gymnastics and swimming. The vast majority of athletes with epilepsy can continue to participate in their sport. However, selected cases should be advised to modify their sport until the risk of seizure is lower, in the same way that individuals with single organs eg. single organs in contact sports ; are similarly advised. Although the risk of seizure cannot be accurately predicted, the antecedent history will provide the major determinant of the likelihood of an event. In the present case, the athlete was advised to continue one metre and three metre events, but to discontinue the platform event until seizure-free for one year. His serum phenytoin level was in the therapeutic range and a second medication Valprolc Acid ; was added to achieve greater control and desyrel.

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Table 3. Dosing guidelines of adjuvant analgesics Drug Multipurpose Analgesics Antidepressants Tricyclic antidepressants Amitriptyline Elavil ; Nortriptyline Pamelor ; Desipramine Norpramin ; Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors Paroxetine Paxil ; Citalopram Celexa ; Noradrenaline serotonin reuptake inhibitors Venlafaxine Effexor ; Others Bupropion Wellbutrin ; Corticosteroids Dexamethasone Decadron ; Prednisone Deltasone; Orasone ; 2-adrenergic agonists Clonidine Catapres Catapres-TTS ; Tizanidine Zanaflex ; Neuroleptics Olanzapine Zyprexa ; Pimozide Orap; Gate Pharmaceuticals; Sellersville, PA ; Adjuvants for Neuropathic Pain Anticonvulsants Gabapentin Neurontin ; Lamotrigine Lamictal ; Oxcarbazepine Trileptal ; Topiramate Topamax ; Pregabalin Levetiracetam Keppra ; Tiagabine Gabitril ; Zonisamide Zonegran ; Carbamazepine Carbatrol ; Tegretol ; Valpgoic acid Depakene ; Phenytoin Dilantin ; Local anesthetics Mexiletine Mexitil ; Lidocaine intravenous Xylocaine ; Lidocaine topical Lidoderm. En la categora "Elementos multimedia" de los premios ASPID, se concedi un segundo premio al Grupo Drug Farma en la velada de esta VIII edicin. Manuel Garca Abad, presidente del Grupo Drug Farma, recogi el premio por el programa de actuali and famvir and valproic, for example, valproic acid 250.

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Acetophenazine, Cont. ; 5 Pentobarbital, 943 4 Phendimetrazine, 56 Phenmetrazine, 56 5 Phenobarbital, 943 4 Phentermine, 56 4 Phenylpropanolamine, 56 4 Phenytoin, 673 5 Polymyxin B, 960 5 Polypeptide Antibiotics, 960 5 Primidone, 943 2 Procyclidine, 941 2 Propantheline, 941 5 Protriptyline, 1270 4 Quinapril, 49 4 Ramipril, 49 2 Scopolamine, 941 5 Secobarbital, 943 5 Tricyclic Antidepressants, 1270 2 Tridihexethyl, 941 2 Trihexyphenidyl, 941 5 Trimipramine, 1270 Acitretin, 1 Ethanol, 12 ACTH, see Corticotropin Acthar, see Corticotropin Activase, see Alteplase Activated Charcoal, 2 Acetaminophen, 295 2 Barbiturates, 295 2 Carbamazepine, 295 2 Charcoal Interactants, 295 2 Digitoxin, 295 2 Digoxin, 295 2 Furosemide, 295 2 Glutethimide, 295 2 Hydantoins, 295 2 Methotrexate, 295 2 Nizatidine, 295 2 Phenothiazines, 295 2 Phenylbutazones, 295 2 Propoxyphene, 295 2 Salicylates, 295 2 Sulfones, 295 2 Sulfonylureas, 295 2 Tetracyclines, 295 2 Theophyllines, 295 2 Tricyclic Antidepressants, 295 2 Valoroic Acid, 295 Acutrim, see Phenylpropanolamine Acyclovir, 2 Aminophylline, 1176 4 Divalproex Sodium, 1282 4 Hydantoins, 640 2 Oxtriphylline, 1176 4 Phenytoin, 640 5 Probenecid, 13 2 Theophylline, 1176 2 Theophyllines, 1176 4 Val0roic Acid, 1282 5 Zidovudine, 14 Adalat, see Nifedipine Adalat CC, see Nifedipine Adapin, see Doxepin Adenocard, see Adenosine Adenosine, 2 Aminophylline, 17 Caffeine, 17 2 Dipyridamole, 15 5 Nicotine, 16 5 Nicotine Polacrilex, 16 2 Oxtriphylline, 17 2 Theophylline, 17 2 Theophyllines, 17 Adipex-P, see Phentermine Adrenalin, see Epinephrine Adriamycin, see Doxorubicin Adriamycin RDF, see Doxorubicin Adrucil, see Fluorouracil Advil, see Ibuprofen Aerolate, see Theophylline Aerosporin, see Polymyxin B Agenerase, see Amprenavir Akineton, see Biperiden Albuterol, 5 Aminophylline, 1214 4 Digoxin, 461 5 Oxtriphylline, 1214 5 Theophylline, 1214 5 Theophyllines, 1214 Alcohol, see Ethanol Aldactone, see Spironolactone Aldesleukin, 2 Amprenavir, 999 2 Indinavir, 999 2 Nelfinavir, 999 2 Protease Inhibitors, 999 2 Ritonavir, 999 2 Saquinavir, 999 Aldomet, see Methyldopa Aleve, see Naprosyn Alfenta, see Alfentanil Alfentanil, 2 Azole Antifungal Agents, 18 2 Barbiturate Anesthetics, 165 4 Cimetidine, 870 4 Erythromycin, 19 2 Ethanol, 20 2 Fluconazole, 18 4 Histamine H2 Antagonists, 870 2 Itraconazole, 18 2 Ketoconazole, 18 2 Methohexital, 165 2 Thiamylal, 165 2 Thiopental, 165 Alkeran, see Melphalan Allegra, see Fexofenadine Allopurinol, 4 ACE Inhibitors, 21 4 Aluminum Carbonate, 22 4 Aluminum Hydroxide, 22 4 Aluminum Salts, 22 4 Aminophylline, 1177 2 Ampicillin, 929 4 Anticoagulants, 64 4 Attapulgite, 22 1 Azathioprine, 1229 5 Bendroflumethiazide, 24 5 Benzthiazide, 24 4 Captopril, 21 5 Chlorothiazide, 24 5 Chlorthalidone, 24 4 Cyclophosphamide, 377 4 Dicumarol, 64 4 Ethotoin, 641 4 Fosphenytoin, 641 4 Hydantoins, 641 5 Hydrochlorothiazide, 24 5 Hydroflumethiazide, 24 5 Indapamide, 24 4 Kaolin, 22 4 Magaldrate, 22 4 Mephenytoin, 641 1 Mercaptopurine, 1229 5 Methyclothiazide, 24 5 Metolazone, 24 4 Oxtriphylline, 1177 2 Penicillins, 929 4 Phenytoin, 641 5 Polythiazide, 24.
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